title: "Svekyll blogs"
theme: light
provider: matomo
site_id: 7
url: "analytics.dev"
Any .md file can be customized with YAML front matter
Out of the box support for Tailwind
Use webmentions and restore cordial discussion
Choose from over a dozen pre-built themes from DaisyUI
Get the benefits of SSR, code splitting, and fast build times
Simple SSR-integrated SEO
Share content on Twitter and Facebook with better previews
Write files in pure Markdown. Svekyll uses MDSveX, put Svelte inside your Markdown!
One click for a new Svekyll blog with integrated analytics, contributor badges, fast publishing and mobile first publishing
Just drop .md files into the _posts directory
Great writers get help from their colleagues, make sure to credit them publicly
Use Jekyll-style _config.yml
Declaratively configure analytics inside _config.yml